YES, I did it again and didn't write anything for months, it's not being busy, it's just procrastination as before, and I tell you it's quite sweet. Do not try this people! XD
Do you ever wonder: why are we all here? what is the meaning of all this?
I will not lie, these questions are recurring in my posts and every time the answer is different but often mean the same, I will address it again.
Let's begin by admitting: Knowing that life has no meaning is scary, which often makes me question my existence, and tbh, anyone's existence. Everybody has a different answer to this, some feel life is to work hard, some feel to be with family, some believe religion and beliefs give it a meaning, and some think something or someone gives it a meaning. Yes, every answer is valid and every answer is correct, yet, if we look into the vast picture through the eyes of the cosmos: we are just an existence, maybe accidental, maybe intentional, but whatever has led us to this point of questioning is our own doing. Every second, every moment that we are spending here indulged in our own philosophies, thousands and thousands of things are concurrently happening everywhere with every other being in existence.
Aren't we all the manifestation and the work of the cosmos itself? We all are made of atoms and molecules, so does the world we live in, the sun that gives us energy, the trees that give us life, everything we see (and not see) is made of the same material; the atoms of existence; or as known famously "Star dust, then why do we question this existence? Perhaps, because we want to get out of this shell of limited thinking. Maybe, this is just an assumption, maybe it's not, can we ever be certain? Perhaps, not. Maybe everything in the cosmos is pre-planned, or maybe it's happening spontaneously, or maybe it already happened and we are just within it. Yes, this led to more questions than to solving any, and that's the beauty of such questions. I wonder if the answer to these will ever come or will there be a "proper" meaning to define it all. Nobody knows what the future holds, or does somebody?
"Love, hate, happiness, sadness and whatever emotions or sensations you feel are the creations of your own. There's no permanence to them, you can either act on them or let them be free, and bliss."