Does it happen to you too when you know you are actually fine and happy but there is a weird craving to talk, even for a few minutes? Believe it or not: Introverts, Ambiverts tend to have these moments.
Lately, I have been having such moments where I just want to spend at least five minutes talking to some positive people , idk why it just happens. Not to be mistaken, I am not the same where I had confusions about my feelings and jumbled up thoughts, my thoughts are clearer and my feelings are under my control now , though I am still a bit socially awkward because I don't know how to be me properly, especially in person. That doesn't mean I am comfortable, I actually am it just takes time adjusting to a newer mindset and a tbh "a newer body". Hahah, sounds weird, but true.
Anyways, still haven't been writing much; nothing much to blame just lack of words and all. I stopped writing poems on YourQuote even though I read other's work. I felt like those were written by that jumbled and confused mind and tbh, reading them gave me a negative vibe so it's better not to continue there,
Yah, a lot of grammatical mistakes here, I am kind of half sleepy..So, yah where I was? It often happens to miss the need to talk to some people, right? and lately I have been having those, but I can go antisocial for quite long and it doesn't affect me much, it's a requirement to be self happy and only then happiness can be directed to the world.
I think I have written enough jumbled stuff for today XD
See ya o//